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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

Two resources

  Hi there! I´d like to share a website and an app with excellent images to work with TEA spectrum and Autism, but very useful when there is a lack in a procedure to follow some steps . . You´ll find images and manipulative material to work vocabulary around different topics.   Dictapicto  is an app for android or ios. It is a simple and practical tool to quickly prepare basic materials ;preparation of rules or simple stories. I hope you fin them useful and  thank you for all the resources you have contributed. Regards M.Belén Barranquero


  Hello! I am Belén and these are some of favourite websites I use in my English lessons: -  Plickers:  I use it quite a lot with my older students. I use it for reviewing the units before an exam. I like it because we only need a computer, a phone and the codes students have sticked on their notebooks. It is explained in the contents of Module 4 so I am not going to explain it more.  -  Quizziz : I create quizzes for my students. Sometimes they do them in the classroom with the laptops we have in my school as an activity or sometimes I assign the quizzes for homework. It is very useful because you can see the results of every student and it helps a lot in the assessment. Quizziz includes bonus, redemption questions, music, memes... It is very attractive for kids.  -  Wordwal l: You can create games with many different templates or search games. You can also assign them and you will see how each student has performed in the game. The distadvantage is t...

My websites

  Hi everybody! I like using  Flippity ,  beca u se  It allows you to create different types of games such us: bingo, memory, wheel spinning. Normally, they play before starting a new topic in order to introduce the new vocabulary or even when we need review previous an exam. The most interesting is that the memory game offers us audio with the words and when we do competitions and they repit it again and again they are learning the visual word with the sound and it is really usefull.  Another website that I like is  Kahoot  but now it is not possible use because my group of students are young children. Montserrat Díez

Autismo: recursos, herramientas y consejos para profesorado y familias

  Here I share a fantastic article, althought is in Spanish it has useful ideas and resources. Hope you find it interesting.