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Plena Inclusión webpage

 This is a very useful web about inclusion, with specific information about Covid pandemia and you can even download an app to help people with special needs.

Disponemos de una aplicación para dispositivos móviles en la que podrás encontrar multitud de recursos para personas con discapacidad intelectual o del desarrollo, familiares, profesionales y personas voluntarias. Junto a ello, también dispone de Foros sobre diferentes ámbitos y de un sistema de avisos y alertas, todo ello en relaciona esta situación de pandemia.

Mª José Prieto


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Preparing for Cultural Diversity: Resources for Teachers

  Here I share a very interesting and useful site with resources and links to attend cultural diversity. Click on the picture to read the article. Hope you find it interesting.

What is Equality and Diversity?

  Have a look at this article on Equality and Diversity, enlighting and clarifying to deal with essential concepts in our course: diversity, equality and multiculturalism. Hope you like it.

Thinking routines

  Hello, everyone! "Project Zero" is from Harvard's Graduate School for Education, and this webpage has a whole list of Thinking Routines.  Look, for example, at an image of the pdf that you can download for one of my personal favourites: See-Think-Wonder: The PDFs are free, so I'm planning on downloading them all so that I have a folder on my computer that I can go to when I need inspiration or a change of routine. I thought that you may find them useful, as well! Have a great day! Jessica Church